  The role of nuclear energy in mitigating climate change and achieving net zero – developing an environmentally safe, secure and reliable energy mix to meet Asia’s fast growing energy demands – Regulation, Licensing, Low Carbon Infrastructure, Supply Chain & Decommission  

The need for energy security gives climate friendly nuclear power plants a new appeal - Asia now hosts about one-fourth of operational nuclear power units in the world and remains the main region in the world where electricity generating capacity is growing. According to the World Economic Forum, as of Jan 2022, Nuclear energy now provides about 10% of the world’s electricity from about 440 power reactors and is the world’s second largest source of low-carbon power.

In Asia there are 140 operable nuclear power reactors, 35 nuclear reactors currently under construction and firm plan to build an additional 40-50
  • China, Japan and India are driving the dash for nuclear energy in Asia
  • Across Asia there are proposals for another 220 nuclear power plants
  • Germany and Italy are phasing out nuclear power stations
  • Across Europe there are 15 nuclear reactors being built
  • Concerns remain over safety and the treatment of nuclear waste
As world population grows, coupled with the quality of life that electrification provides – the global need for electricity increases exponentially. If countries are to meet their climate change commitments, the need for clean energy becomes paramount and must be top of every countries electricity agenda – providing a safe, secure, reliable and cost effective energy mix whilst meeting climate change demands.

Japan has 33 operable nuclear reactors, with a combined net capacity of 31.7 GWe. As of March 2022, 10 reactors had been brought back online, with a further 15 in the process of restart approval, following the Fukushima accident in 2011. In the past, 30% of the country's electricity has come from nuclear; in 2020, the figure was just 5.1%. The plan is now for at least 20% by 2030. This will necessitate re-starting up to 30GW of Japan’s indigenous nuclear capacity over the next 15 years that should help to contribute to meeting Japan’s UN decarbonisation goals. Nuclear power is positioned to make a considerable contribution to decarbonizing Japan’s energy complex in the decades ahead.

Asia remains the main region in the world where electricity generating capacity and specifically nuclear power is growing significantly. There are currently 128 operable nuclear power reactors, 40 under construction and firm plans to build a further 90.

The focus of this industry briefing is to stimulate dialogue to assess the economics, current market conditions and the development opportunities for nuclear energy as part of the current and future energy mix to ensure decarbonization goals.

The 7th Asian Nuclear Power Energy Briefing will take a pragmatic overview of the current global nuclear energy scene, particularly in Asia focusing the road ahead:
  • Which global markets offer the best opportunities for a conducive investment climate in new energy projects
  • What are the policies and issues that governments have to face when determining what role nuclear energy will play in its energy mix?
  • Understanding the relevance of international investors and stakeholders when considering financing options
  • Energy security, safety, supply chain continuity and sustainability
  • Rebuilding public confidence in nuclear power as a safe and sustainable source of energy
  • Identifying innovative technology for nuclear power
  • Nuclear fusion as an unconventional nuclear energy alternative
  • Applications for SMRs and Advanced Reactors to promote clean growth
    • What are the challenges and opportunities for the emerging SMR/AR market
    • Is SMR/AR a favourable alternative to the larger and more expensive NPP?
    • How will SMR/AR be regulated and licensed?
    • Is SMR/AD ideally positioned to meet current and future needs?
    • How can SMR/AR be used to disrupt the energy industry with innovative technology that can be applied beyond the energy industry? Which other industries can benefit from SMR/AR technologie
  • Decommissioning and its funding
  • Cybersecurity
Our annual nuclear energy briefings bring together key stakeholders, regulators, government, EPCs, financial institutions and vendors to discuss openly and candidly about the future of nuclear energy as a key element in the energy mix of the future.  Erratic and constant rising prices in oil and gas and the ever increasing threat to its regular and uninterrupted supply shows that nuclear power is still very much a part of the future of a effective Asian energy mix.


27th February 2023 | Day 1 - Monday

8:30 Registration & Morning Coffee
9:00 Chairman’s Opening Remarks
A worldwide overview of the nuclear energy industry, its implications for achieving climate change goals and the policies and
practical issues relating to Asia
Tom O’Sullivan
, CEO, Mathyos Global Advisory, Japan
9:15 Opening Keynote Address
Leading after a nuclear incident – Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant
Naomi Hirose, Chairman, Japan Energy Association
9:45 JAEA’s role and activities in accordance with the Japan’s nuclar energy policy
Dr Hideki Kamide, JAEA Fellow
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan
10:15 Innovation to mitigate global warming
Nobuo Tanaka, Chair, Steering Committee of Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF);
CEO, Tanaka Global Inc; Former Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)
10:45 Morning Coffee & Networking Opportunity
11:15 Stabilising spaceship earth for prosperity, safety and sustainability
Carl Page, President,Anthropocene Institute, United States (By Zoom presentation)
11:45 From S+3E To 3S+E : What will nuclear power look like in the evolving new energy paradigm?
Mina Sekiguchi, Managing Partner, Resonancia LLC, Japan
12:15 Keynote Panel Session - Climate change concerns, the energy crisis, energy security, technology options & supply
Panelists –
Nobuo Tanaka, Chair, Steering Committee of Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF);
CEO, Tanaka Global Inc; Former Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)
William E Fork, Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, United States
Dr Hideki Kamide, JAEA Fellow, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan
Vaclav Bartuska, Ambassador at Large, Energy Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic
1:00 Lunch & Networking Opportunity

New build opportunities internationally
William E Fork
, Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, United States

Sponsored Panel Session

2:15 Hitachi-GE’s efforts for nuclear innovation
Kohei HIsamochi, Vice President, Hitachi-GE, Japan
2:45 The path towards commercialisation through an international licensing approach in Indonesia
Jan Holm
, Executive Vice President, Seaborg Technologies, Singapore
3:15 Afternoon Tea & Networking Opportunity
3:45 Future clean energy ecosystem enabled by floating nuclear power plant
Dr Victor Nian, Co-Founder & CEO, Centre for Strategic Energy & Resources, Singapore
4:15 Potential of SMR in Japan
Reiko Fujita, Chair of Fukushima Support Project, AESI/Former President, Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Japan
4:45 Q & A and Closing Remarks - End of Day 1
6:00 Networking Evening Drinks (details tbc)

28th February 2023 | Day 2 - Tuesday

8:30 Morning Coffee
9:00 Chairman’s Day 2 Address
The global nuclear industry and the current climate in Japan
George Borovas, Head, Nuclear Practice, Hunton Andrews Kurth & Managing Partner, Tokyo Office
9:30 China
Chinese Nuclear Programme
Francois Morin, Director, China, World Nuclear Association, China (by Zoom presentation)
10:00 Malaysia
Human resource development for new nuclear comer countries : Sharing Malaysia’s experiences
Dr Faridah Mohd Idris, Senior Director (Commercialisation Progarmme)/Director of Planning and International Relations Division, Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Malaysia
10:30 Czech Republic
Buyers perspective – Should we go ahead with present reactors, or wait for SMRs?
Vaclav Bartuska, Ambassador at Large, Energy Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic
11:00 Morning Coffee Break & Networking Opportunity
11:30 Jordan
Case Study - Localisation and technology transfer in Jordan’s Nuclear Power Project
Eng. Ahmad Malkawi, Director at Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), Jordan
12:00 TEPCO’s nuclear business going forward
John Y Inoue, Manager, Nuclear Energy Policy & Research Grp, Nuclear Safety Mgmnt Dept, TEPCO, Japan
12:30 Lunch & Networking Opportunity
1:30 Security of advanced reactors
Alvaro Acevedo, Programme Manager, World Institute for Nuclear Security
2:00 Current status of JNFL Rokkasho Nuclear fuel cycle facilities
Takashi Matsuda, Managing Director/Head of Engineering Dept, Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd (JNFL)
2:30 Afternoon Tea & Networking Opportunity
3:00 Panel Session -Attracting & facilitating new energy project financing
3:45 Effective and safe management of waste and decommissioning
4:30 Chairmans’s Closing Remarks & Close of 7th Asian Nuclear Energy Briefing 2023

Panel of Speakers:

Hirose Naomi, Chairman, Japan Energy Association, Japan
William E Fork, Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, United States
Nobuo Tanaka, Chair, Steering Committee of Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF);
CEO, Tanaka Global, Inc; Former Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA), Japan
Eng. Ahmad Malkawi, Director at Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), Jordan
Vaclav Bartuska, Ambassador at Large, Energy Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic
Tom O’Sullivan, CEO, Mathyos Global Advisory, Japan
Carl Page, President,Anthropocene Institute, United States
Kohei Hisamochi, Vice President, Hitachi-GE, Japan
John Y Inoue, Manager, Nuclear Energy Policy & Research Grp, Nuclear Safety Mgmnt Dept, TEPCO, Japan
George Borovas, Head, Nuclear Practice, Hunton Andrews Kurth & Managing Partner, Tokyo Office
Dr Victor Nian, Co-Founder & CEO, Centre for Strategic Energy & Resources, Singapore
Dr Faridah Mohd Idris, Senior Director (Commercialisation Progarmme)/Director of Planning and International Relations Division, Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Malaysia
Alvaro Acevedo, Programme Manager, World Institute for Nuclear Security, Austria
Francois Morin, Director, China, World Nuclear Association, China
Dr. Reiko Fujita, Chair of Fukushima Support Project, AESI / Former President, Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Japan
Takashi Matsuda, Managing Director / Head of Engineering Dept, Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd, Japan
Jan Holm, Executive Vice President, Seaborg Technologies, Singapore
Mina Sekiguchi, Managing Partner, Resonancia LLC, Japan
Dr Hideki Kamide, JAEA Fellow, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan

About the Speakers:

  Hirose Naomi
Chair, Japan Energy Association, Japan

Naomi Hirose is the former president / CEO whose service at the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) spans four decades. He joined the company in 1976, having gained an appreciation for the energy industry following the 1973 Oil Shock, and worked in a number of management positions from 1992 to 2005, including corporate planning, sales, marketing, and customer relations. Mr. Hirose became an executive officer in 2006, and in 2008, conceived and spearheaded a campaign promoting the economic and environmental benefits of electrification, called “Switch” that was a Japan-first. In 2010, he re-energized the company vision for global expansion.

Immediately after the 3.11 Fukushima Accident, Mr. Hirose dedicated himself to create the system for Nuclear Damage Compensation. After becoming President and CEO in 2012, he led the company in addressing a number of highly complex issues such as water management and decommissioning plans for the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, compensation for the accident and Fukushima revitalization, and keeping TEPCO competitive while facing the deregulation of Japan’s electricity market. He left TEPCO in 2021, and currently serves as Chair of Japan Energy Association, i.e. World Energy Council Japanese Member Committee. Mr. Hirose received his B.A. in Sociology from Hitotsubashi University in 1976, and his MBA from Yale School of Management in 1983.
  William E Fork
Partner, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, United States

Will Fork is a Partner in the nuclear energy practice at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, where he advises clients regarding international nuclear industry transactions and the development of new build civil nuclear programs, representing electric utilities and companies regarding international energy transaction, export control, nuclear liability, and domestic regulatory issues.  Including Tokyo, Pillsbury has 18 offices internationally, with a market leading nuclear law practice that began in the 1960s.

Will has served as an international nuclear law instructor for both the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). He also serves on the Board of Directors of the International Nuclear Law Association (INLA), the association for the international nuclear law bar. Nuclear projects he has advised include new build and commercial projects in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, including service as the General Counsel of an international new build civil nuclear power corporation, with a team of 90 Pillsbury lawyers.  Commercially, he advises international private equity and U.S. Fortune 500 corporations regarding acquisitions in the nuclear sector.
  Nobuo Tanaka
Chair, Steering Committee of Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF)
CEO, Tanaka Global, Inc/Former Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA), Japan

Nobuo Tanaka is former Chairman of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation. He is the chairman of the Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF). He is Distinguished Fellow at Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ) and Visiting Professor at Graduate School of Public Policy of the University of Tokyo. As Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) from 2007 to 2011, he initiated a collective release of oil stocks in June 2011. He also played a crucial and personal role in strengthening of ties with major non-Member energy players, including China and India.

He began his career in 1973 in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) after graduating the University of Tokyo, and has served in a number of high-ranking positions, including DirectorGeneral of the Multilateral Trade System Department. He was deeply engaged in bilateral trade issues with the US as Minister for Industry, Trade and Energy at the Embassy of Japan, Washington DC. He served twice as Director for Science, Technology and Industry (DSTI) of the Paris-based international organization, OECD.
  Dr. Reiko Fujita
Chair of Fukushima Support Project, AESI / Former President, Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Japan

Dr. Reiko FUJITA, joined Toshiba Corporation 1983. She was a Chief Fellow in Power & Industrial Systems Research & Development Center 2012. She has developed a metallic fuel reprocessing for Fast Breeder Reactor and a transuranium elements recovery process from high-level radioactive waste. She is one of most famous researchers in Pyrochemical Process in Molten Salts. She got several Awards of Atomic Energy Society of Japan and Award of Electrochemical Society of Japan. She is serving as the advisor to Fukushima Prefecture on Remediation after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident. She served as a Director of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan since 2010 and was appointed President in 2014. She had been an ImPACT Program Manager of “Reduction and Resource Recycling of High-level Radioactive Wastes through Nuclear Transmutation” since 2014 till March 2019. She has still served Chair of Fukushima Support Project, Atomic Energy Society of Japan.
  Eng. Ahmad Malkawi
Director at Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), Jordan

He has completed his BSc from King Abdul-Aziz University in Saudi Arabia in Nuclear Engineering 1987, and MSc in 2004, University of Surrey, UK. Working as a director & researcher for Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), until 2021 he was directing the nuclear projects development department in JAEC. Previously he has worked for Ministry of Energy in Jordan as the assistant project manager of Jordan nuclear research and training reactor (JRTR) project. For the past 10 years he was involved directly in national industry participation as well as civil construction companies in Jordan NNP project, including survey, qualification and drafting a national policy to maximize local participation and technology transfer in the project, working closely with governmental and private institutions, chambers of industry, universities and R&D centers.
  Vaclav Bartuska
Ambassador at Large, Energy Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic

Service in the Government
2006 – present Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic
Key part of the just-ended Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
 2010 – 2014 Government Plenipotentiary for Expansion of Temelin Nuclear Power Plant, Czech Republic
Overseeing the tender of three major suppliers for planned two new units at Temelin NPP.

2020 – present
Member (from 2022), Alternate Member (2020-2021) of the Administrative Board of ACER (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators), EU Agency

Revolution / Service in the Parliament
1989 – 1990
One of the student leaders of the revolution in November 1989; due to previous experience with Secret Police (first detained at 20) elected by Parliament to the Commission investigating the Secret Police

Disbanding the Secret Police shortly after the Revolution was the best job I ever had

2003 – present
New York University (NYU), Prague campus, course “European Security after the Cold War”
2017 – present Czech Technical University, Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEL ČVUT), course “Energy Security”
2018 – present College of Europe, course “Energy Diplomacy”

Schools, scholarships
1987 – 1992
Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences
1994 – 1995 Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Columbia University, New York, SIPA (School of International and Public Affairs)
1999 Marshall Fellowship

1990 Polojasno (“Partly sunny”) – covers the work on investigating the Secret Police, sold 230.000 copies
1992, 1995, 1997 Three more books
  Tom O’Sullivan
CEO, Mathyos Global Advisory, Japan

Tom O’Sullivan has over 30 years experience working in the Asia Pacific region in Japan and Hong Kong.

He has held senior roles at Deutsche Bank, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, and PricewaterhouseCoopers. He is a Civil Engineer and Chartered Accountant and most recently has specialized in the international energy sector advising Asia Pacific companies on strategy and international issues including cross-border investments and security related issues through his own company Mathyos Global Advisory.

He has a wide network of contacts in Europe and the United States as well as across the Asia Pacific region.

  Carl Page
President, Anthropocene Institute

Mr. Carl Page is the President of the Anthropocene Institute. He was co-founder of eGroups, Inc., where he helped build a network of 14 million users to support Web-based collaboration. eGroups was acquired by Yahoo! and became Yahoo groups. A serial entrepreneur and investor based in the Bay Area, Mr. Page's experience ranges from hardware to Internet companies. He has previously held positions at Microsoft and Mentor Graphics. He sits on various boards such as EcoAmerica.org. Mr. Page has a Masters degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Michigan.
  Kohei HIsamochi
Vice President, Hitachi-GE, Japan

Kohei Hisamochi has been Vice President, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd and Chief Lumada Business Officer of Nuclear Energy Business Unit, Hitachi Ltd since April 2020. Mr Hisamochi graduated from Kyushu University Nuclear Engineering Department in 1993. Mr Hisamochi has held the following appointments since joining Hitachi Ltd in 1993:
  • Section Manager, Nuclear Reactor Engineering Section
  • Department Manager of Nuclear Plant Engineering Department
General Manager, Nuclear Engineering & Product Division
  John Y Inoue
Manager, Nuclear Energy Policy & Research Grp, Nuclear Safety Mgmnt Dept, TEPCO, Japan

John Inoue, Manager, Nuclear Policy & Research Group Nuclear Safety Management Department of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (TEPCO). With a Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mr Inoue has been with TEPCO since 1994 and has been in several divisions including
  • Engineer, Pre-Operation and Start-up of Commissioning Group, Kashiwazaki-kariwa Construction Site
  • Fuel and Core Management at Kashiwazaki-kariwa Nuclear Power Plant
  • Safety Officer, Operational Safety Section, IAEA (responsible for issuing the IAEA Safety Guide on Construction of Nuclear Power Plants)
  • Nuclear Safety Oversight Office
Manager, Nuclear Reform Special Task Force
  George Borovas
Head, Nuclear Practice, Hunton Andrews Kurth & Managing Partner, Tokyo Office

George Borovas is the head of Hunton Andrews Kurth’s Nuclear practice and Managing Partner of the Tokyo office. He has worked on projects and transactions in the UK, the US, Russia, Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, China, Australia and South Africa. He regularly negotiates contracts and advises clients on the establishment of global joint ventures relating to the nuclear industry as well as on transactions for the trading of fuel, equipment and services for nuclear power plants. He also advises companies on international nuclear liability and export compliance issues and has represented buyers in transactions involving the acquisition of nuclear power plants. "George Borovas has a fantastic practice doing nuclear work," remarks a source (Chambers Asia-Pacific, 2020).

George is a Board Member of the World Nuclear Association (WNA) and has been recognized as a nuclear industry leader by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC), as well as the US government as an appointee to the US Secretary of Commerce’s Civilian Nuclear Trade Advisory Committee (CINTAC). He has written numerous articles and is a frequent commentator on matters relating to the global nuclear industry. He has appeared on Bloomberg TV and CNBC and is regularly quoted in the global print media in publications such as the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, BBC News and The Daily Telegraph. Before becoming a nuclear energy lawyer, George worked as an engineer for a nuclear power plant engineering firm.
  Dr Victor Nian
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Strategic Energy and Resources (CSER), Singapore

Dr Victor Nian is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Centre for Strategic Energy and Resources (CSER), an independent think-and-do tank established in the spirit of “knowledge and innovation without borders" in Asia. Dr Nian advises public and private organisations on energy strategy, industrial and climate policy, technology management, digital transformation, and other energy transition and sustainable development related issues. He is recognised as one of the go-to-persons on nuclear energy, hydrogen economy, and net-zero strategy in Asia. Under his leadership, CSER is on a mission to build enabling ecosystems to accelerate energy transition pathways in Asia. Dr Nian is a Founding Member, elected Council Member, and elected Honorary General Secretary of the International Society for Energy Transition Studies, a professional society with more than 300 members from over 40 countries. Dr Nian was previously a Visiting Fellow of the Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, an Adjunct Full Professor of Tianjin University of Commerce, a senior energy expert of government linked think tanks, and an entrepreneur in carbon and sustainability consulting business. He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and a BEng (Hons) in Electrical Engineering with a Minor in Management of Technology, all from the National University of Singapore.
  Dr Faridah Mohd Idris
Senior Director (Commercialisation Progarmme)
Director of Planning and International Relations Division, Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Malaysia

Faridah Mohamad Idris is currently Senior Director (Commercialisation Programme) & Director Planning and International Division of Malaysian Nuclear Agency. She has her doctorate degree in nuclear and particle physics. Her experience includes research reactor management, neutron beam instrumentation. Her current job includes planning and commercialization of nuclear products and handling international relations for Malaysian Nuclear Agency.
  Álvaro Acevedo
Programme Manager, World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS)

Álvaro Acevedo is responsible for coordinating and implementing various operational projects, including international workshops, training courses and ongoing special projects on nuclear security capacity building for nuclear material and facilities. He leads WINS’ work on advanced nuclear reactors and technologies. Prior to joining WINS in June 2018, Álvaro worked as an engineer in a nuclear power plant in Spain. He is fluent in Spanish and English.
  Francois Morin
Director, China, World Nuclear Association

François Morin is senior engineer, graduate of the Ecole Centrale de Paris (ECP) and worked several years as process engineer in Framatome (now AREVA), in charge of accident evaluation and post-Chernobyl studies. In the 90’s he worked within French Atomic Energy Commission and managed technology transfers into China in the field of Nuclear Medicine.

He then has been working in various fields and countries, Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, focused on big projects structuring & financing involving international cooperation. He is currently living in China. He is Director Asia at the World Nuclear Association.
  Takashi Matsuda
Managing Director / Head of Engineering Dept, Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd

Joining the JNFS (predecessor company of JNFL) in 1981 and started the career for nuclear fuel reprocessing. Ever since, having engaged in the design,licensing,construction and commissioning of mainly in Chemical process of RRP. Now working as the head of Engineering Division. of JNFL, and contributing AESJ as the Chair. of Reprocessing and Recycling Division.
  Jan Holm
Executive Vice President, Seaborg Technologies, Singapore

Jan Holm started his career in Banking in 1995 and spend nearly 10 years in various positions before joining A.P. Moller Maersk in 2004. Between 2004 and 2009, he held various positions in the company's head quarter. In 2009, he moved to Singapore to serve as CFO and later CEO of A.P. Moller Singapore Pte. Ltd., before taking up the role as CEO for Maersk Drilling in Southeast Asia in 2011. Since 2018 Jan has been Chairman of the Board of Risk Intelligence A/S, advises on piracy, organized crime, insurgencies, and terrorism. Since 2019 Jan has been an advisor to Seaborg Technologies and in 2022, he joined them as Executive Vice President and Managing Director of the Singapore office. Jan holds a Master of Science in economics and business administration as well as an executive MBA. He has attended various executive classes at INSEAD and IMD and is an advisor to various incubators and a venture fund. He is a certified international director from INSEAD.
  Mina Sekiguchi
Managing Partner, Resonancia LLC, Japan

After serving as the head of Energy & Infrastructure sector at KPMG Japan and Asia Pacific for more than 15 years, Mina now is a managing partner of her own firm called Resonancia LLC since June 2023 and works as an independent energy consultant while serving as external director for several public and private companies. Mina has extensive knowledge and experience in energy and infrastructure sector, especially in investment and M&A, and has rich and profound experience in providing advice to Japanese government, utilities, oil & gas companies, trading companies and funds on their investments within Japan as well as overseas. Mina also provided advice to Japanese utilities in changing their operation model to fit to the rapidly changing market. Currently she supports energy related companies in considering decarbonization strategies.
  Dr Hideki Kamide
JAEA Fellow, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan

Dr Hideki Kamide has worked in the field of thermal hydraulics of sodium cooled fast reactor (SFR), especially experimental studies on natural circulation, high cycle thermal fatigue, and safety related issues, for over 30 years. Now, he is a JAEA fellow and current responsibility covers Advanced Reactor development and international collaboration on this issue. He also served for 3 years as the chair of Generation IV International Forum (GIF) Policy Group from 2019 until 2021. Now he is the vice chair of GIF.
  Lead Sponsor::

Anthropocene Institute comprises scientists, engineers, communicators, marketers, thought leaders, and advocates — all pulling together toward a common goal: make Earth abundant for all and sustainable for decades to come.

Website: www.anthropoceneinstitute.com
  Session Sponsor::

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP is an international law firm of 700 forward-thinking lawyers in 18 offices worldwide. Pillsbury has had the premier nuclear energy law practice since the early days of the nuclear industry, with the first nuclear energy practice group in the United States. Today, Pillsbury’s nuclear energy team has expanded heavily internationally to help clients take full advantage of developments and help them understand the risks associated with projects and transactions in the nuclear industry. With longstanding experience in Japan, Pillsbury speaks the language of global nuclear power and has advised on some of the most significant nuclear projects under construction today, including the Barakah and Akkuyu NPP projects.

Website: www.pillsburylaw.com
  Supporting Sponsor::

Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd., together with Hitachi Group companies, Offers products and services that excel in terms of reliability, safety and cost-effectiveness. This is achieved through a consistent organizational structure encompassing the nuclear fuel, the nuclear sfuel cycle and, of course, the power generation plant. Additionally, we're mobilizing our collective efforts and resources toward R&D, pursuing continuous improvement in the technological sophistication and economic efficiency of light water reactors-which currently predominate in nuclear power generation-while aiming to the future when fast reactors will be put into practical use.

Website: www.nuclear.gepower.com

The Centre for Strategic Energy and Resources (CSER) is an independent think-and-do tank established in the spirit of “knowledge and innovation without borders”. With a vision of becoming the leading centre of excellence for strategic analysis and a thought leader in energy transition and sustainability, CSER is on a mission to build enabling ecosystems to accelerate energy transition pathways in Asia. Through a global network of experts from over 20 countries and organisations, CSER provides analysis of strategic options in energy, resources, and sustainable development to inform policy; develops appropriate solutions and their adoption strategies in response to the evolving global energy landscape; and promotes discussion and advance collective understanding on strategic issues related to energy and sustainable development. CSER is a collaborator of Green Denmark in Southeast Asia, an open community of thought leaders aiming to accelerate sustainable development and green collaboration.

For more information, visit www.cser.energy

The Independent Power Producers Forum (IPPF) is an international industry support organization composed of senior executives and decision-makers heading up firms with energy and power business commitments across Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas. We are an active catalyst for positive change with a unique “fraternal” organizational atmosphere. We cover all key areas and sectors relating to power generation: Gas, Coal, Bio-Mass, Hydro, Wind, Solar, Nuclear, Geo-Thermal, Legal, Finance, Insurance, Security, Equipment, Infrastructure, Alternatives, Renewable and Sustainable Technologies, IoT / IT, etc.

The IPPF also leads the “New Energy” parade for Energy Efficiencies (EESCO’s), Pollution Prevention (P2/E2), GHG Trading, Energy Security, Waste-to-Energy, Standby Power, Smart Grid, Distribution / Transmission, Restructuring.

Website: www.ippfpowerasia.com

Our Mission is to build a sustainable economy through efficient sourcing and use of energy resources, based on independent and reliable financial and economic analysis, with particular emphasis on Japan and non-Japan North East Asia. Mathyos is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.

At Mathyos, we provide comprehensive advice on all aspects of Energy and Power including generation technologies, fuel usage, and distribution strategies drawing off our vast international network. Furthermore, we provide financial and economic analysis for Energy and Power based decisions and cross-border comparisons.

Mathyos Energy and Power analysis focuses on a primary list of core energy consumer and producer countries and a secondary list of countries. Our analysis is tailored on a case by case basis to meet the investment and strategic analysis needs of our customers.

Website: www.mathyos.com

Malaysian Nuclear Agency or also known as Nuklear Malaysia is a leading research, development, commercialization and innovation (R&D&C&I) in nuclear science and technology for national sustainable development. Focuses are given on Creating Wealth, Generating New Knowledge, and Accelerating Economic Growth & Societal Well-being Through Nuclear Science and Technology Towards Shared Prosperity. Nuklear Malaysia has provided technical services and training throughout Malaysian community. We also responsible in managing and coordinating national and international level as a liaison agency for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the National Authority for the implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). Several facilities such as research reactor, the gamma and electron irradiator as well as the National Centre for Radiation Metrology and also National Radioactive Waste Management Center are in operational.

Our primary purpose is to improve the professionalism and competence of all those involved in nuclear security so that nuclear and other radioactive materials are not used for terrorist or other criminal purposes. This requires confidence that the management and regulatory systems that support nuclear security are effective against the postulated threats including physical, cyber and insiders, as well as combinations thereof. We support this objective by sharing best security practices and advocating for the professional certification of all personnel with responsibilities for nuclear security.

Website: www.wins.org
  Media Partners:

10times is the world's largest business event discovery platform with more than 450K+ business events from 120 industries listed with us. The USP lies in the targeted 55 million+ event professionals on the platform, 9 million+ registeredd user base which draws event enthusiasts globally and visits our platform to discover events of their interest, industry and business opportunity.

Website: www.10times.com

The Energy Data is an Information-Centric Website focused mainly on the Energy and Power Industry Online It is a B2B Platform mainly focused on the latest Energy and Power News, Press Releases, Industry-related updates, Events, and Conferences. With The Energy Data, you can get all information that happens in the Energy and Power Industry.

Website: www.theenergydata.com

UxC is one of the nuclear industry’s leading market research and analysis companies offering a wide range of services spanning the entire nuclear fuel cycle and reactor markets. UxC is widely viewed as the industry leader in supplying nuclear fuel price and market information through its Ux Weekly publication. UxC also provides in-depth reporting and analysis in all areas of the nuclear energy industry. Publications are our primary focus, but UxC’s team of experts also provide a vast array of custom services for international clients looking to enhance market intelligence, strategic planning, and technical understanding in the global nuclear marketplace.

Website: www.uxc.com

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1-12-33 Akasaka Tokyo Tôkyô [Tokyo] 107-0052 Japan
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Public Transportaion
  • By train: Tameike-Sanno Station
  • By subway: Tamike-sanno Station

  Email: customerservice@stratcomsevents.com | Telephone: Christina Logan, Mobile: +64 21 858 455  
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