Charity Wai, Chief Operating Officer, Sengkang General Hospital, Singapore Dr Timothy Low, Executive VP, Healthcare Services/Board Advisor to QuikBot Corporate, QuikBot Technologies, Singapore Anna Zulvia, Director of Procurement, Indonesia Health Authority, Indonesia Christopher Ang, CEO, GS1 Singapore, Singapore Chris Catto-Smith, Healthcare Logistics Specialist, South East Asia & Pacific Island, Freshport (Asia) Jeff Tan, Director, Supply Chain & Logistics Practice, Frost & Sullivan Lawrence Koh, Founder/Executive Consultant, Healthcare Logistics Asia, Thailand Prof. Mark Goh, Director (Industry Research), The Logistics Institute – Asia Pacific, Singapore Roger Lee, Director, Singapore Institute of Materials Management, Singapore Steven Yeo, Managing Consultant, Innovating Care Asia Pacific, Singapore
HospitaLog Asia 2025 will focus on cutting-edge solutions and challenges faced in healthcare logistics, especially in light of the evolving landscape of healthcare delivery. The 2 day conference will spotlight innovative solutions and address the key challenges in healthcare logistics, with a particular emphasis on adapting to the rapidly changing landscape of healthcare delivery. By discussing these topics, hospital logistics professionals in Asia Pacific can explore innovative solutions and share knowledge on how to build more resilient, efficient, and patient-focused logistics systems for healthcare institutions.
Programme at a Glance
6-7th May 2025 – 1 ½ day Conference
7th May 2025 – ½ day Conference ½ Day Symposium
8th May 2025 - ½ day Site Visit to Sengkang General Hospital
6th May 2025, Day 1 – Tuesday
Overcoming Challenges in Healthcare Logistics
Registration Morning Coffee
Chairman’s Welcome Address
Overview of the critical challenges in healthcare logistics today and the importance of innovation in shaping future healthcare delivery.
Opening Keynote Address
Keynote Address Transforming Healthcare Operations : SingHealth’s Journey from Traditional Operations Model to Shared Service Excellence
Discover how SingHealth, Singapore’s largest public healthcare cluster, has strategically evolved towards shared services to drive greater value, efficiency, and innovation
This session will explore the transformation from traditional operations model to a streamlined shared services ecosystem aimed to optimize resources, improved cost-efficiency, and fostered innovation while enhancing both patient experience and staff satisfaction
Charity Wai, Chief Operating Officer, Sengkang General Hospital
Keynote Panel Session Key Challenges in Healthcare Logistics – Disruptions and Resilience
Industry experts discuss major logistical challenges such as supply chain disruptions, fluctuating demand and regulatory hurdles
Risk Management
Securing Critical Supplies
Balancing Cost-Efficiency with Resilience
Networking Morning Coffee
Future Trends in Hospital Logistics
Building a Resilient Supply Chain: Preparing for the Next Crisis Reflecting on recent global disruptions, this panel will focus on strategies for building a crisis-resilient supply chain. Experts will discuss lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and current approaches to prepare for future crises, including natural disasters, supply chain disruptions, and public health emergencies. Topics will include regional and global supplier networks, stockpiling essential supplies, and implementing flexible logistics solutions. Attendees will gain insight into strategies for minimizing risk and enhancing preparedness. Prof. Mark Goh, Director (Industry Research), The Logistics Institute – Asia Pacific, Singapore
The Future of Hospital Logistics: Predicting the Next Decade This session will explore trends that will shape the future of hospital logistics, including the rise of fully automated supply chains, personalized healthcare logistics, and the increasing role of digital twin technology. It will offer insights into how hospitals can prepare for emerging trends and what innovations to expect in the coming decade.
Future-Proofing Hospital Supply Chains: Leveraging AI and Predictive Analytics
As hospitals face increasing demands, AI and predictive analytics offer powerful tools to optimize supply chains, reduce costs, and improve service levels. This session will explore how hospitals are using machine learning algorithms to forecast demand, anticipate shortages, and manage inventory in real time. Attendees will gain insights into how predictive analytics can support proactive decision-making, ensuring critical supplies are always available without overstocking. Examples will highlight key metrics, software solutions, and strategies for building resilient, data-driven supply chains. Jeff Tan, Director, Supply Chain Logistics Practice, Frost Sullivan, APAC
Networking Lunch
Technology and Innovation in Hospital Logistics
Panel Session: Emerging Technologies Shaping the Future of Hospital Logistics: What’s Next? This panel will explore cutting-edge technologies poised to transform hospital logistics in the coming years, including blockchain for supply chain transparency, AI-powered asset tracking, digital twins, and advanced robotics. Panelists will provide a visionary outlook on how these technologies could impact hospital operations, discussing both potential benefits and the risks involved. Topics will include the implications for staffing, patient care, and infrastructure, as well as strategies for hospitals to keep pace with rapid technological advancements. Moderator: Steven Yeo, Managing Consultant, Innovating Care Asia Pacific, Singapore
Redefining the Role of Logistics Personnel in the Age of Automation and AI With technology reshaping logistics, the role of logistics staff is also evolving. This panel will address how automation and AI are impacting logistics roles, examining both the opportunities and challenges of this transition. Topics will include retraining and upskilling staff, managing resistance to change, and redefining logistics jobs to focus on higher-level decision-making. Speaker will offer insights on building a workforce that can adapt to and thrive within an increasingly automated environment.
Automating Hospital Logistics: Robotics and Drones in Healthcare Robotics and drones are revolutionizing the way hospitals manage logistics. From Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) transporting medications and linens to drones delivering blood samples and critical supplies across hospital campuses, automation can significantly boost efficiency and reduce human workload. This presentation will discuss current applications, future potential, and considerations for adopting robotic and drone technology in healthcare settings. Participants will learn about challenges such as initial costs, integration into existing systems, and regulatory requirements, along with examples of successful implementations.
Networking Afternoon Tea
Key Challenges in Hospital Logistics
Navigating Regulatory and Compliance Challenges in Hospital Logistics
This presentation will examine key regulatory and compliance challenges in hospital logistics, from managing hazardous materials to ensuring data privacy in supply chain tracking. Practical solutions and best practices for staying compliant while maintaining efficiency will be discussed.
Overcoming Fragmented Data and Systems in Hospital Supply Chains
Fragmented systems and data silos are major challenges in healthcare logistics. This session will cover strategies for integrating data across different departments and external partners, focusing on interoperability, data security, and real-time information sharing.
Addressing Logistical Challenges in Rural and Underserved Hospitals Many rural and underserved hospitals face unique logistical challenges, from limited suppliers to transportation issues. This talk will highlight innovative solutions, community partnerships, and scalable logistics models that can help address these obstacles.
Case Study - With nearly 3 years in Laos supporting healthcare interventions in a range of areas. nbspEverything from establishing t cold chain, post covid Healthcare waste management, medical equipment nbspmaintenance and asset control, 5S improvement for medical warehouses, vaccine storage and installing nbspand sustaining over 700 solar vaccine fridges into remote healthcare facilities, private sector capacity nbspbuilding and Ministry of Health leadership mentoring.
Most recently with a mission with Unicef to the Pacific Islands to assess climate adaptation needs for nbsprural and remote healthcare facilities and associated social services (Vanuatu, Timor Leste, Solomon nbspIslands Fiji and Papua New Guinea) nbsp
Chris Catto-Smith, Healthcare Logistics Specialist, South East Asia & Pacific Island, Freshport (Asia)
One Produce One Barcode : Opportunities for Healthcare Stakeholders The presence of multiple barcodes on healthcare products can contribute to medical errors, creating confusion during scanning, increasing the likelihood of mistakes in product data capture, ultimately pimpacting the ‘five rights’ of medication administration: right drug, right dose, right route, and right patient, at the right time. Imagine a future where a single barcode at the point of scan or care allows access to a seamless flow of product information, facilitating a more efficient, transparent supply chain and a safer, more engaging and informative experience for healthcare providers and patients. This is a vision of a future that ‘One Product, One Barcode’ (1P1B) has helped to bring about.
Christopher Ang, CEO, GS1 Singapore
Chairman’s Closing Day 1 Wrap Up and Summary of key takeaways
Networking Evening Drinks
7th May 2025, Day 2 – Wednesday
Exploring Sustainability in Healthcare Logistics
Registration Morning Coffee
Chairman’s Welcome Address
Summary of Day 1 and highlights for Day 2
Sustainability and Green Logistics
Morning Panel Session
Hospital Transformation with Autonomous-Last-Mile-Delivery – SMART Hospital Solutions with Green Logistics
Revolutionizing Hospital Logistics with AI & Robotics – Discover how autonomous delivery solutions streamline medication, biological sample, and equipment transport, reducing staff workload and inefficiencies.
Enhancing Speed, Accuracy, and Patient Care – Learn how AI-driven QuikBot technology optimizes hospital workflows, ensuring timely, secure, and error-free deliveries.
The Future of Smart Hospitals – Explore how automation is transforming healthcare logistics, allowing medical staff to focus on what truly matters—patient care.
Dr Timothy Low, Executive VP, Healthcare Services/Board Advisor to QuikBot Corporate QuikBot Technologies, Singapore
Reverse Logistics in Healthcare : Balancing Cost, Efficiency and Environmental Impact
Understanding Reverse Logistics in Healthcare
Definition and importance of reverse logistics in the medical sector
Handling expired, damaged, or recalled medical products
Regulatory and compliance issues (eg hazardous materials, pharmaceutical returns)
Managing costs and inefficiencies in the reverse supply chain
Technology and Data-Driven Solutions
Role of big data and AI in optimizing reverse logistics
Blockchain for tracking and transparency in returned goods
Automation in processing medical returns and recalls
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Reverse Logistics
Identifying cost-saving opportunities in reverse logistics
ROI of sustainable healthcare logistics practices
Balancing financial constraints with regulatory and environmental responsibilities
Roger Lee, Director, Singapore Institute of Materials Management, Singapore
Sustainable Hospital Logistics: Reducing Waste and Carbon Footprint
Hospitals consume vast amounts of supplies, creating significant waste and a high carbon footprint. This session will dive into practical strategies hospitals can adopt to make their logistics operations more sustainable. Topics will include green procurement practices that prioritize eco-friendly materials, waste reduction tactics like reusable medical supplies, and inventory management methods that reduce overstocking and spoilage. The discussion will also cover sustainable transportation solutions, such as electric or hybrid delivery vehicles, and efficient routing to reduce emissions. By sharing case studies and measurable outcomes, the session will provide insights into how hospitals can adopt green logistics practices without compromising on service quality, with an emphasis on the financial and environmental ROI of such initiatives.
Networking Morning Coffee
Circular Economy in Healthcare Logistics: Moving Towards Zero-Waste Operations A circular economy approach to logistics focuses on reusing, refurbishing, and recycling materials rather than relying on a single-use model, which is common in healthcare. This session will explore how hospitals can implement circular logistics to reduce waste and extend the lifecycle of products. Topics will include initiatives like refurbishing medical equipment, recycling packaging materials, and creating systems for reusing non-contaminated supplies. The session will also discuss barriers to adopting a circular model in healthcare, such as regulatory challenges, cost implications, and potential safety concerns. Participants will gain insights into successful circular economy projects, key metrics for measuring sustainability impact, and strategies for creating a culture of sustainability within hospital logistics teams.
Partnership in Healthcare Logistics
Panel Session:Creating Integrated Health Networks: Multi-Hospital Partnerships for Shared Logistics Services Multi-hospital partnerships can streamline logistics operations by consolidating resources and sharing supply chain services. This session will focus on the benefits and challenges of creating integrated health networks that share logistics functions, such as procurement, warehousing, and distribution. Panellists will discuss the cost savings, efficiency gains, and potential risks of these partnerships, as well as the governance structures that support successful collaborations. Attendees will gain insights into how hospitals can work together to build resilient logistics systems that meet shared goals.
Collaborative Partnerships in Healthcare Logistics: Public, Private, and Cross-Border Innovations As logistics challenges become more complex, hospitals increasingly rely on partnerships across sectors and borders. This panel will examine how collaborations with suppliers, tech companies, other hospitals, and even governments can strengthen hospital logistics. Panelists will discuss case studies of successful partnerships, the importance of shared resources, and approaches to overcoming regulatory and logistical hurdles in cross-border collaborations. Attendees will gain insight into creating effective partnerships to boost supply chain resilience and resource accessibility.
Close of HospitaLog Asia 2025 - Closing Remarks and Future Roadmap – recap of the conference and key insights. Discussions of the future roadmap for healthcare logistics transformation and innovation.
Networking Lunch
Half Day Workshops – Choose 1 Option Applications of IoT in Hospital Supply Chain
Drone Delivery in Healthcare Logistics – Revolutionising Speed, Access and nbspEfficiency
Workshop A – Applications of ioT in Hospital Supply Chain Facilitator: Lawrence Koh, Founder/Executive Consultant, Healthcare Logistics Asia, Thailand
Introduction/Background of Topic
The ability of supply chain to reduce costs associated with medical supplies and pharmaceuticals, nbsp nbspshows that supplies inventory reduction is possible, even in critical industries such as hospitals and nbsppharmaceuticals. Hospitals around the world are looking at ways to reduce costs and at the same nbsp nbsptime increase patient safety.The ability of supply chain to reduce costs associated with medical supplies nbspand pharmaceuticals, shows that supplies inventory reduction is possible, even in critical industries such nbspas hospitals and pharmaceuticals. Hospitals around the world are looking at ways to reduce costs and at nbspthe same time increase patient safety.
The effective management of the supply chain pipeline using IOT and analytical tools, continue to nbspgrow at a tremendous speed. This has been successfully proven in the retail and financial sectors but nbspis now increasingly seen in the healthcare sector.The healthcare industry needs to continue nbspdeveloping and incorporating these new developments in its operations so that it can compete in a nbspmarket that is getting more competitive than ever. Traditionally, most hospitals use costing of services to maximize the revenue (revenue was cost based). nbspWith the tightening of medical insurance reimbursements, hospitals are moving away from cost-based nbspnumbers and are looking at cost reduction to improve profitability. As such, hospitals that want to nbspeffectively manage their supply chain must invest in business intelligence (BI) software, according to a nbsprecent Aberdeen Group survey of supply chain professionals. The survey respondents reported the main nbspissues that drive business intelligence initiatives include increased operations complexity as more nbsphospitals expanded; lack of visibility into the supplies and medications utilization; and the growing nbspnumber of counterfeit drugs and non-certified medical supplies.
Objectives of Session
Utilization of business intelligence to achieve optimal supply chain coordination, lower costs and reduce inventories
Redesigning inter-organizational processes to adopt your business intelligence strategy for success and identification of optimum integration level with your ERP application
Adopting automation systems such as RFID and barcode technology to boost productivity and performance in hospitals
Improve hospital facility management using solar energy and building automation system.
Case Study
Break into groups of 4 or 5 to discuss the following case.
Nominate a person in your group to present the answers during the presentation time. This activity should take about 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Supply Chain Case Study
Participants are required to create a Demand-driven Material Requirements Plan (DD-MRP) for psurgical procedures in a typical hospital operating theater environment.
One of the phases in the Analytic Value Escalator model is Predictive Analytics.
Describe how a hospital can improve operational efficiencies and cost efficiencies using Predictive Analytics with the following parameters:
A list of surgical procedures schedules that are planned for the next 1 to 3 months.
The number of procedures per month for each type of surgeries.
The bills of material (BOM) for medical supplies required and the quantities per procedure.
The purchasing lead-time for each item in the BOM.
The inventory data for each item in the BOM.
Competency Elements
At the end of the case study, participants are able to:
Demonstrate skills and knowledge in creating a Supply Chain strategic plan, bringing efficiencies through just-in-time supplies delivery, releasing cashflow from holding stocks and at nbspthe same time overcoming inefficiencies in the hospital.
Demonstrate skills and knowledge in using Predictive Analytics to create a Demand- driven Material Requirements Plan workflow.
Networking Afternoon Tea
Continuation of Afternoon Session
8th May 2025, – Post Conference ½ Day Site Visit, Thursday
Meet at Hotel Lobby for Bus trip to Sengkang General Hospital
Sengkang General Hospital (SKH) in Singapore has been at the forefront of integrating innovative technologies to enhance patient care and operational efficiency. A cornerstone of their technological advancement is the implementation of a Real-Time Locating System (RTLS). This system utilizes RFID technology to monitor the locations of patients, staff, and critical equipment throughout the hospital. Initially adopted for asset tracking and contact tracing, SKH has expanded the RTLS to optimize workflows in operating theatres, emergency departments, and wards. For instance, in operating theatres, RTLS has reduced equipment search times from several hours to just minutes, allowing healthcare professionals to dedicate more time to patient care. Moreover, SKH's commitment to innovation is evident through its Research Office, which aims to facilitate high-caliber biomedical research. This dedication to research and development underscores the hospital's mission to continually enhance healthcare delivery through technological advancements.
Sengkang General Hospital forms a vital part of Singapore’s master plan to provide quality and accessible care to support the healthcare needs of residents in northeastern Singapore. Offering a wide spectrum of specialists clinics and co-located with Sengkang Community Hospital, SKH provides patient-centric care covering all major healthcare disciplines. At its integrated hospital campus, you will experience seamless and continuous care from initial diagnosis to treatment and follow up, as well as longer-term rehabilitative care, within a healing within a healing environment. Care extends beyond the hospital too, as SKH work with healthcare and community partners to provide better care for its patients and their families.
Arrive at Sengkang General Hospital and Welcome Address by SKH Senior Management
Introduction to SKH and programme for the day
Presentation on 1 or 2 of the following topics (tbc)
Sustainability efforts
Value Based Healthcare
Central Asset Management
Q & A
Morning Tea with Networking Opportunity
Hospital Site Visit Ward 25 – Presented by Nursing Team
To learn about Supplies Unit/Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)/Ward layout and design to maximise efficiency
Our wards have been built with our patients’ comfort in mind. The façade and internal layouts are designed to enhance daylight while reducing glare for all wards. Spacious wards design provides patients with greater comfort and privacy as well as a providing a conducive working environment for the medical team.
Decentralised nursing stations improve the visibility of patients to nurses. It also encourages more interaction with them, which enhances patient care.
Ensuite showers and toilets are provided in all subsidised wards. We will also visit the Supplies Unit/Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)/ Ward layout and design to maximize efficiency
Inpatient Pharmacy – Presented by Pharmacists
SKH Pharmacy Automation – Inpatient Automation System (IPAS)
Pharmacy Automation and Innovation
Automated packing of medications into unit doses with barcodes
Nurses scan barcodes before administration – enhanced patient safety
Linen Services – Presented by Environmental Services
Linen tracking system/AGVs and automation
The Electronic Linen Tracking System has helped SKH achieve a linen loss reduction from 15% to 7% ($500K less linen). It now takes 25% and 63% less manpower to replenish linens and conduct stock takes
Food Services – Presented by Operations Patient meals are delivered to the wards by Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs), which operate in designated areas, run along prescribed paths, and have their own lifts.
AGVs automate deliveries eliminating manpower travelling and idling time from linen supply room to wards.
Food Service using AGV’s, sustainable efforts/automation/storage and distribution
Green Wall – Presented by Guides
To showcase sustainability efforts at SKH
At SKH, we take sustainability seriously – it is not just to be socially responsible, but engraved into the very culture of the organization. We will show and explain some of the initiatives at SKH, and our noble aims of reducing our carbon footprint.
Wrap Up and End of Site Visit
Charity Wai Chief Operating Officer, Sengkang General Hospital
Ms. Charity Wai has over 33 years of experience in healthcare management. Since 2015, she has served as the Deputy Group Chief Operating Officer (Shared Services) at Singapore Health Services (SingHealth) and, in March 2021, was appointed Chief Operating Officer of Sengkang General Hospital (SKH).
A pioneer in Singapore’s healthcare landscape, Charity played a key role in the establishment of the Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC), serving as COO from its inception in 1990. Over her 30-year tenure, she provided visionary leadership in operations, responding to evolving needs and rapid growth. At the cluster level, in her role as SingHealth Deputy Group COO (Shared Services), she spearheaded process reviews and re-engineering efforts to enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness, notably in the SingHealth Call Centre Shared Service and the SingHealth Retail Pharmacy Shared Service.
As COO of SKH, she was instrumental in COVID-19 operations during the pandemic. She led the setup of a 260-bed Community Treatment Facility at the peak of the crisis when daily covid cases soared in the thousands. Leveraging a public-private partnership model, she was able to optimize hospital resources and her leadership contributed to saving approximately 25,200 bed days nationally by the end of 2022, significantly alleviating the strain on acute care hospitals.
Throughout her career, Charity has demonstrated exceptional leadership and collaboration, uniting diverse stakeholders to drive effective and sustainable healthcare operations. Her contributions have earned her numerous accolades, including: The Singapore President's National Day Award Public Administration Medal (Bronze), the SingHealth Distinguished Leader Award – Champion of Change Award and the National Award (COVID-19) – Public Administration Medal (Silver).
Beyond Singapore, she has also made significant contributions on the regional and global stage. She received the International Award for Prevention of Blindness from the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology and previously served as Chair of the Executive Board of the World Association of Eye Hospitals (WAEH) and continuing to serve presently as the Emeritus Advisor to the WAEH.
Christopher Ang CEO, GS1 Singapore
Christopher Ang serves as the CEO of GS1 Singapore, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to aiding companies in product barcode ID registration for international sales and trades. By enabling supply chain traceability/sustainability and enhancing patient safety across various sectors, including online and in-store retail and healthcare, GS1 plays a pivotal role in optimising efficiency and business communication globally with a commitment to fostering global standards.
Christopher was formerly the Centre Director of the Singapore Manufacturing Federation - Centre for Corporate Learning. He has headed the SSG-accredited ATO (Approved Training Organisation) / CET Centre (Continuing Education Training Centre) in areas of productivity HRD consultancy, sales marketing, training delivery operations, curriculum development and career services since 2013.
Christopher brings with him 30 years of cross-functional leadership roles and experience. He is actively involved in proposing industry digitalisation, productivity quality initiatives to various industries and companies, including medical, manufacturing, retail and online businesses.
Christopher holds a Master’s in Technology Management. He is an SSG DACE Certified Adult Educator and Certified Six Sigma Black Belt. He was also a Certified Practising Management Consultant (PMC-SBACC), Certified Quality Engineer (CQE-ASQ) and Certified Project Management Professional (PMP-PMI) during his industry/consultancy days.
Chris Catto-Smith Healthcare Logistics Specialist, South East Asia & Pacific Island, Freshport (Asia)
Chris Catto-Smith has been an independent consultant in Asia for the past 30 years and has substantial experience in supply chain management and healthcare logistics. He has been working for the past 4 years with the Asia Development Bank in Lao PDR on vaccine cold chain capacity building and rapid healthcare waste management interventions for the improvement of medical equipment maintenance. Chris was also engaged by UNICEF to lead a team to install over 740 solar vaccine fridges in remote and near inaccessible healthcare facilities in Laos. In parallel he has supported Climate Change adaptation funding proposals for both Save the Children (currently being implemented) and for a current project with UNICEF across five Pacific Island Nations. In addition to his extensive experience in Healthcare logistics, he is also been developing agro-value chain solutions in Vietnam and Thailand.
Chris holds master’s degrees in engineering and logistics and is based in Thailand. In this presentation, he will share his experiences in remote healthcare logistic support in Laos.
Jeff Tan Director, Supply Chain & Logistics Practice, Frost & Sullivan
Jeff is the Head of Frost Sullivan's APAC Supply Chain Logistics (SC L) Advisory Practice, where he leads client engagements and strategic advisory projects. With deep expertise in emerging trends, technologies, and market dynamics, he focuses on optimizing supply chains across the Transportation, Supply Chain Solution Providers, Freight Infrastructure, and Maritime sectors in the Asia Pacific region.
Jeff has an extensive track record in leading research and consulting projects, including Contract Logistics Market Analysis, Warehousing Market Opportunities, and Freight Logistics Industry studies. His insights are widely sought after for their impact on shaping resilient and efficient logistics ecosystems.
Before joining Frost Sullivan, Jeff honed his expertise at TNT Express and FedEx Express, where he specialized in supply chain efficiency, cost management, and customised logistics solutions. He has worked with over 20 multinational companies across the region, developing expertise in healthcare logistics, express shipments, air cargo, cross-border trucking, and 3PL Logistics.
Lawrence Koh Founder/Executive Consultant, Healthcare Logistics Asia, Thailand
Lawrence is a Healthcare Supply Chain professional with 30 years of working experience overseeing the Procurement and Logistics functions at various hospitals and clinics in Southeast Asia, China and the Middle East. In his last position as the Executive Vice President of Group Purchasing at Health Management International, he set up and oversees the group procurement activities of a three-hundred and fivehundred bed hospitals in Malaysia as well as an ambulatory specialist centre, a training institute for allied health, a group of GP and specialty clinics in Singapore. Prior to that, Lawrence was the Executive Director of Supply Chain at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, responsible for directing a team of a hundred Procurement and Logistics specialists at the 350-bed hospital.
He is a member of Pul Alliance Digital Health Equity (USA); a Supply Chain consultant with Intermedika Consulting (USA), and a Senior Advisor (Healthcare Operations) with TVM Capital Healthcare, Singapore.
Lawrence is the Founder and CEO of Asia Healthcare Logistics, based in northern Thailand, an independent consultancy company specializing in the setting up of hospital Supply Chain and Materials Management for green-field hospitals and process improvements for brown-field hospitals.
Lawrence is a regular speaker at various conferences such as Hospitalogs Asia, Healthcare Supply Chain Strategies, Hospital Supply Chain Excellence and the International Procurement and Supply Chain conference. He is a certified HRDC trainer under the Ministry of Human Resources (Malaysia). Lawrence is also a lecturer with HMI Institute for Health Sciences in Singapore conducting workshops and masterclasses in healthcare Procurement, Data Analytics and Supply Chain Management.
Prof. Mark Goh Director (Industry Research), TLI-Asia Pacific
Professor, Department of Analytics and Operations, NUS Business School
Prof. Mark Goh is Director (Industry Research) of TLI-Asia Pacific and a Professor (Practice) at the Department of Analytics and Operations at NUS Business School. A former Colombo Plan Scholar, he holds a Ph.D. from the University of Adelaide.
He sits on many committees, including Board Member of the Chartered Institute of Transport (Singapore), past Chairman of the Academic Board of Examiners for the Singapore Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management, member of the Advisory Committee of the Transportation Resource Centre (NUS) and a past Vice President of the Operations Research Society of Singapore, Associate Senior Fellow of the Institute of South east Asian Studies.
He has held appointments as a visiting Professor in Business Logistics Strategy at Chulalongkorn University, Commonwealth Fellow to the UK, Citibank International Fellow to the US, visiting research fellow at UMIST, visiting scholar at Beijing University, visiting professor at Melbourne University, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, King Mongkut University of Technology Thonburi, and professor at the University of South Australia.
Dr. Timothy Low Executive VP, Healthcare Services/Board Advisor to QuikBot Corporate, QuikBot Technologies, Singapore
Dr. Timothy Low is a distinguished healthcare executive with a proven track record of leadership at some of Singapore's top hospitals, including his recent tenure as CEO and Board Member of Farrer Park Hospital and previously as CEO of Gleneagles Hospital. He earned his MD from the National University of Singapore and brings substantial expertise in healthcare investment, having served as Head of Healthcare Investment at Pavilion Capital International, a subsidiary of the Temasek Group.
Dr. Low's leadership excellence has been widely recognized, earning him numerous accolades such as the "50 Most Talented Healthcare Leaders of Asia" at the CMO Asia Event, "Best CEO of the Year 2017" by Asia Healthcare Excellence Awards, "Smart Hospital of the Year 2017," and "Oncology Service Provider of the Year 2017" from Global Health & Travel Awards. He was also honored with the "Icons of Healthcare Award" in 2016 for his pioneering work in healthcare technology integration. In 2018, Dr. Low received the "Rare Disease Champion Provider of the Year in Asia Pacific" award and was recognized as the "Most Media Savvy Personality" in 2019.
His contributions to Singapore’s fight against the Covid-19 pandemic were acknowledged with the Public Service Medal (Pingat Bakti Masyarakat) in 2023. In 2024, he was recognized by LinkedIn as the "Top Motivational Speaking Voice," "Top Hospital Sales Voice," and "Top Healthcare Management Voice." Most recently, Dr. Low was named "Asia's Top HR Leaders 2024" for his exceptional people leadership and recognized as "#1 in Top 50 Creators in Pharma and Biotech in LinkedIn Singapore 2024 and 2025" for his innovative work in AI and robotics in healthcare.
In addition to his leadership roles, Dr. Low is a seasoned advisor in investment and fundraising, actively guiding the development of startups within the healthcare sector. His unique blend of clinical leadership and strategic investment acumen makes him a valuable asset to organizations looking to drive innovation, brand excellence, and strategic growth in the healthcare industry.
Roger Lee Director, Singapore Institute of Materials Management, Singapore
Roger Lee is the Director of the Singapore Institute of Materials Management and the Vice Chairman of the Asia Pacific Logistics Federation. He was an entrepreneur involved in the technology transfer consultancy projects in Singapore and ASEAN. Roger was invited as the visiting professor to a few universities in China specializing in logistics and supply chain management. Roger possesses an MBA from the University of Strathclyde (UK) and a Bachelor of Sc. degree from the University of San Francisco.
He had stayed in Silicon Valley, California for five years, managing a Singapore-based multinational electronics company in the nineties. He is heavily involved in technology transfer projects from the USA to Singapore in the high-tech industry.
Most recently, Mr Lee had co-authored four books, “The Making of a Technopreneur”, “The Making of a Shell LiveWire Entrepreneur”, “World Class Logistics and Supply Chain Management” and "Knowledge Management, Principles and Case Studies"
Steven Yeo Managing Consultant, Innovating Care Asia Pacific, Singapore
Steven has more than 25 years of international business and management experience working with government, multi- national corporations and non-profit organizations in Healthcare Information Technology/eHealth, Hospital’s Digital Transformation and Supply Chain Management.
Prior to his current role, he was the Director for Intel’s Digital Health Group for Asia and Vice President and Executive Director for HIMSS and HIMSS Analytics in both Asia Pacific and Middle East region.
Steven had led Intel to penetrate the Asia Pacific region with country’s Ministry of Health and Hospitals as a ‘Trusted Advisor’. He also led HIMSS to be a recognized organization in the region with a mission to lead the use of IT and Management Systems for the betterment of care delivery. Steven was also instrumental in leading Intel in its digital transformation when he was the Director for Intel’s eBusiness and eCommerce Group (Asia) to drive the 100% eCorporation initiative from 2000-2003.
Exclusive Host Hospital:
Sengkang General Hospital (SKH) is a public healthcare institution under the SingHealth cluster. Officially opened on March 23, 2019, SKH offers a comprehensive range of medical services, including specialties such as cardiology, gastroenterology, and orthopaedic surgery. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a dedicated team of healthcare professionals committed to providing quality care to the community.
The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) is Australia’s national peak body for public and not-for-profit hospitals and healthcare providers.
Our vision is for a healthy Australia supported by the best possible healthcare system.
Our membership includes state health departments, Local Hospital Networks and public hospitals, community health services, Primary Health Networks and primary healthcare providers, aged care providers, universities, individual health professionals and academics. As such, we are uniquely placed to be an independent, national voice for universal high-quality healthcare to benefit the whole community.
GS1 Singapore is a not-for-profit organisation established in 1987 to implement and administer the global multi-industry GS1 standards-based system of automatic identification and communication for products, services, assets and locations.
With 118 GS1 member organisations (MOs) around the world today, over two-million-member companies in 155 countries use GS1 standards as part of their daily business communications. This represents over six billion scanning transactions a day.
GS1 Thailand, which is under the supervision of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), was formed in 1988. As a leading provider of standards and solutions for dozens of industry sectors, we introduce the standards, solutions, and services of the technologies of barcodes and EPC/RFID to the industry to help everyone involved in making, moving, and trading goods in order to automate their supply chain processes using the common language of GS1 global standards. We bring businesses, associations, and industries together. We serve many industry sectors such as retail, transport and logistics, healthcare, and track and traceability. Please visit the GS1 Thailand website for more information at
The Singapore Institute of Materials Management (SIMM) was incorporated in 1980 as a non-profit and self-supporting independent educational institution, with quality as its corporate emphasis. SIMM has since grown to be a premier institution offering Logistics, Supply chain Management and E-commerce education for the industry training professionals and assisting also in the conversion of manpower for personnel not in the Logistics and Procurement field or industry.
The primary objective of the Institute is to establish and to maintain a high standard of knowledge and excellence in the field of Logistics and Procurement. The secondary objective is to promote and foster the study, research and development on Logistics and Materials Management on all aspects from Purchasing and Supply Chain Management to applying latest E-commerce technology and practices to the field of Logistics and Purchasing. More at
Knowledge Partner:
Frost Sullivan, the growth pipeline company, enables clients to accelerate growth and achieve best in-class positions in growth, innovation, and leadership. The company’s Growth Pipeline as a Service provides the CEO’s Growth Team with transformational strategies and best-practice models to drive the generation, evaluation, and implementation of powerful growth opportunities. Let us coach you on your transformational journey, while we actively support you in fostering collaborative initiatives within your industry's ecosystem. Our transformation journey is fuelled by four powerful components, ensuring your success in navigating the ever-changing landscape of your industry.
Schedule a complementary Growth Dialog with our team to dive deeper into transformational strategies and explore specific needs within your company.
Become a Frost Growth Expert in your area of specialization and share your expertise and passion with the community through our think tanks.
Join Frost Sullivan's Growth Council and become an integral member of a dynamic community focused on identifying growth opportunities and addressing critical challenges that influence your industry.
Designate your company as a Companies2Action to increase exposure to investors, new M A opportunities, and other growth prospects for your business.
Asian Hospital Healthcare Management is a Quarterly magazine from Ochre Media. It is the leading Healthcare title in print as well as digital versions serving the information needs of key executives from the world's leading Healthcare providers. Asian Hospital Healthcare Management covers important issues and trends shaping the future of the Healthcare industry across Asia and rest of the world. It offers dedicated, reliable and accurate coverage of the industry's progress and incisive analysis to help its readers make informed decisions to stay ahead of the competition.
Pharma Focus Asia is a quarterly magazine from Ochre Media Pvt. Ltd. Pharma Focus Asia covers important issues and trends shaping the future of the Pharma industry across Asia and rest of the world. It is the leading Pharma title in print as well as digital versions serving the information needs of key executives from the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies.
Benefits of Endorser/Media Partner StratComs Events is happy to offer Endorser/Media Partner:
(1) Endorser/Media Partner logo on the conference brochure, used in marketing campaigns
(2) Endorser/Media Partner logo and hyperlink on the conference web page
(3) Endorser/Media Partner logo on the conference guide distributed at the conference
(4) One table-top exhibition to display non-competitive marketing material at the conference
(5) Two complimentary delegates pass for Endorser/Media Partner executives to the conference and access to all conference presentations.
All traveling and accommodation expenses are to be bear by the pass holder’s organization
(6) 20% discount to Endorser members/contacts.
Endorser/Media Partner to offer StratComs: (1) Support the conference as an Endorser/Media Partner
(2) Listing of Hospitalog Asia 2025 on the events page on Endorser/Media Partner website with hyperlink to the conference website
(3) Two times email broadcast to Endorser/Media Partner members/ contacts/networks. Stratcoms Events to provide HTML version
(4) Mentioning of Hospitalog Asia 2025 in Endorser/Media Partner Publications/Media and Social Media
Please feel free to contact us should you have further questions.
We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and to have you onboard as an Endorser/Media Partner.
Contact: Shandy Poh Email: