Following from our successful conference from last year and  on of behalf of StratComs Events, we are delighted to once again hold our 2 day HSR Asia 2024 International Conference in Kuala Lumpur. We are excited to announce the Call for Papers for HSR Asia 2024, a premier conference exploring the theme "Driving Growth through Collaboration, Connectivity, and Innovative Technology." This conference aims to delve into the profound effects of these elements on both social and economic development within the high-speed rail domain.
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Hospitalog Asia 2023
The pandemic led to rapid reinvention of healthcare delivery in the Asia Pacific region. According to a recent report, the Asia Pacific healthcare market is projected to grow by 8% reaching a value of US$5 trillion by 2028.

This 3-day event will provide hospital logistics professionals and healthcare providers in the Asia Pacific region valuable insights and best practices to future-proof their operations, improve patient care and achieve healthcare excellence. The agenda includes keynote speeches, case studies, panel discussions, and workshops focused on topics including data analytics, patient-centric approaches, post-pandemic supply chain management, and the role of technology in hospital logistics. Participants will have the opportunity to network with peers, learn from industry experts, and develop a roadmap for optimising hospital logistics and improving patient care in their organizations.

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